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Tuesday 10 March 2015

India Travel Guide, India Tourism, Tourist places in India

India Travel Guide
The Indian subcontinent is huge and diverse, and it does not fail to cast a spell on anyone who travels through it. Visitors to India are charmed, inspired and bemused by its diverse sights, sounds and smells – it is a holiday destination unlike any other in the World. The Indian subcontinent is perhaps the only destination in the World where in a two week holiday, you can do a high altitude trek, do a wildlife safari in a National Park, spend a night lazily cruising the backwaters, ride a Camel in the desert, spend time gazing at the Taj Mahal, and still have time to relax on a beach


Splendid Himalayas, Thar desert, Indo-Gangetic plains provide variation in the climate and topogarphy across the northern India. Himalayas hold some of the scenic hill stations of the subcontinent. Delhi, capital of India is also located in north India. Before Britishers shifted their capital from Calcutta to Delhi, this historical place already had seen fanactic political activities for centuries.

Being closely related to the history of northern India, Delhi has many historical monuments. Some of these monuments are have managed to bear the vagaries of time but many have perished. Close to Delhi is Agra. The Moghuls had this place as their capital before they shifted to Delhi. Agra is famous for the greatest monument fo love the Taj Mahal. This white marble structure is an architectural marvel and is the most photographed monument in the world.

Tajmahal, Agra Close to Agra are twin cities of Mathura and Vrindavan. These two places are important pilgraimage for Hindus. In Uttar Pradesh, on the banks of holy river Ganga is located Varanasi. Varanasi or Banaras as it is known has been very sacred for the Hindus as they consider this place to be abode of Lord Shiva. While Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir have numerous hills stations, the dry Thar desert of Rajasthan holds historic cities of Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur. The palaces, forts and gardens & lakes add colour to this otherwise barren area. The cities of Rajasthan spell Royal grandeur in their structure and have been attracting a major chunk of foreign tourists.


While the lofty Himalayas have been gaurding the northern frontiers of India, the southern plateau has been washed by genetle waves of the oceans. The people here are from the Dravidian race and are very protective about their culture and traditions. But strangely it is the southern region which has been attracting most of foreign investment in the recent times. Infact it was on Malabar coast of Kerala that first foreigner from the West landed in India.

From the back waters of Kerala to exotic coral islands and lush green hill stations in Tamil Nadu all have a charm of their own. The Capital city of Karnataka, Bangalore can match any other city in the west. Recently this place has come up as the software hub of the world. Popularly called the garden city, Bangalore is one of most jazzy places in India. On the line of Bangalore is coming up Hyderabad. A quite city known for the Nizam rulers, Hyderbad is the second place in India which has a cyber city.

Mohini Attam dance, Tamilnadu Going further south there are excellent beaches and temples. Who can forget the ever beautiful chinese nets along the coast in Cochin. Or the spicies which are grown here. The coconut on the beaches give a pleasure which can not be described in words. The state capital of Tamil Nadu, Chennai formely known as Madras is another historical place in the south.

The golden Marina beach in Chennai is one of the longest beach in the world. In south India one can enjoy crashing breakers on the shores or can enjoy the peace and greenry of places like Otty. One can visit the historical places of Karnataka or worship in the temples of Tamil Nadu. Southern India had many things to offer, what you need is to explore the region.


They are called the seven sisters. They are the seven beautiful states of Northeast India. These states have not come up as tourist destination on the tourist map. But they have emmence potential for travel and tourism. The small but densely covered hills of these states are a mystery which await to be discovered and explored. The tradition, culture, festivals everything has remained covered and is slowly opening up.

The Buddhist pilgraimages of Bihar or the temples of Konark, Bhubaneswar, Puri in Orissa are visited by pilgrims as well as the tourists. The Chillika lake is the largest lagoon and watching sunset over the lake has its own pleasure. Visit the beaches of Digha in West Bengal and Puri in Orissa, their beauty is sure to hang in your mind for years to come.

One of the major tourist destination in East has been the Calcutta. Calcutta came up as a major city of the region when it was made the capital city by the East India company. Calcutta has retained the historical splendour which is reflected in the buildings of the place. Today Calcutta is the capital of West Bengal and one of the major port in east.

Nalanda, Bihar The sunderban deltas are also a major tourist attraction. The great Sundari tree (Mangrove) thrive on the silts deposited by the Ganges before it meets the ocean. These trees form a part of the Sunderban National park where the Royal Bengal Tigers are found. Also, the crocodile and mighty pythons have made these deltas as their home.

In this region only one can visit Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Nalanda and Patna etc. These places are part of Buddhist tourist circuit. Most of them are closely related with the life of Buddha and at some places last remains of this great preacher is kept. Thus, trhe eastern region also has many things to offer, iteneries for some have already been made and some wait for their turn to come.


The Arabian Sea gaurds the western region of India. The places on the western coasts are usually regarded gateway to the western countries particularly the Gulf region. Maharastra, Gujarat, Goa are few states which form the coastal belt of west India. On Arabian sea is Mumbai, the commercial capital of India. Also, known as the dream city Mumbai has attracted people from all walks of life. The star attraction of Mumbai is Bollywood, one of the largest film industries. The beaches and skyscrappers are part of the topography of this place. The gateway of India welcomes every one to this land of dreams.

On the western coast is Goa. The colour, festivals, beaches and churches that is what Goa is all about. Goa is very popular haunt for the foreigners. Not long ago this place was notoriously infected by the Hippies and drug peddlars. They have not been totally eliminated but their presence is almost nil today. Goa is land where people are celebrating all the year round. Folk songs & music combined with the local brew Fenni produces an effect which is felt no where else.Aurangabad Caves, Maharashtra.

The cave temples of Ajanta Ellora or the historic city of Aurangabad, all remind of the grandeur and architectural excellence which this place had attained. Khajuraho temples in Madhya Pradesh have completed 1000 years. The tourism department is celebrating this occassion by organising Khajuraho millennium. These festivals start in March this year and will end in 2000 AD. The temples at Kahjuraho represents artistic excellence initself. The erotic depictions on the walls of these temple has been attracting tourists far and wide.

The numerous wild life sancturies and national parks sustain a variety of flora and fauna. Cities like Sanchi had been center of Buddhism but now only the stupas remain to tell the story of the past. But there are places like Nagpur, Gwalior and Bhopal which are still alive and growing.


They are called the seven sisters. They are the seven beautiful states of Northeast India. These states have not come up as tourist destination on the tourist map. But they have emmence potential for travel and tourism. The small but densely covered hills of these states are a mystery which await to be discovered and explored. The tradition, culture, festivals everything has remained covered and is slowly opening up.

The Buddhist pilgraimages of Bihar or the temples of Konark, Bhubaneswar, Puri in Orissa are visited by pilgrims as well as the tourists. The Chillika lake is the largest lagoon and watching sunset over the lake has its own pleasure. Visit the beaches of Digha in West Bengal and Puri in Orissa, their beauty is sure to hang in your mind for years to come.

One of the major tourist destination in East has been the Calcutta. Calcutta came up as a major city of the region when it was made the capital city by the East India company. Calcutta has retained the historical splendour which is reflected in the buildings of the place. Today Calcutta is the capital of West Bengal and one of the major port in east.

Buddha Footprints, Bihar The sunderban deltas are also a major tourist attraction. The great Sundari tree (Mangrove) thrive on the silts deposited by the Ganges before it meets the ocean. These trees form a part of the Sunderban National park where the Royal Bengal Tigers are found. Also, the crocodile and mighty pythons have made these deltas as their home.

In this region only one can visit Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Nalanda and Patna etc. These places are part of Buddhist tourist circuit. Most of them are closely related with the life of Buddha and at some places last remains of this great preacher is kept. Thus, trhe eastern region also has many things to offer, iteneries for some have already been made and some wait for their turn to come.

India Travel Guide, India Tourism, Tourist places in India, Tourist Attractions in India, Tourist Destinations in India, What to see in India, Tourist Spots in India, Popular Places in India, Top Attractions in India, Sightseeing In India, Tour to India, Travel to India

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