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Wednesday 4 March 2015

Vivekananda Rock Kanyakumari,Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Thiruvalluvar Statue Kanyakumari, Tourist Attractions in Kanyakumari

Vivekananda Rock Memorial  
Vivekananda Rock Memorial is another place in Kanyakumari which attracts large number of tourists. As its name implies, it is essentially a sacred monument, built by the Vivekananda Rock Memorial Committee to commemorate the visit of Swamy Vivekananda to “Shripada Parai” during 24th, 25th and 26th December 1892 for deep meditation and enlightenment.

From very ancient times, the rock has been regarded as sacred place. In Puranic tradition, it has been known as “Sripada Parai: meaning the rock, that has been blessed by the touch of Shripada feet of the Goddess.On the rock, is a projection similar in form to a human fort and a little brownish in complexion, which has traditionally, been revered as a symbol of Shripadam. According to legend, it was on this rock that Goddess Kanyakumari did Tapas.

The memorial consists of two main structures, viz (i) Vivekananda Mandapam and (ii) Shripada Mandapam.

Vivekananda Mandapam:- This 180’-11 ‘ X 56’ Mandapam consists of (1) Dhyana Mandapam, i.e., Meditation Hall with six adjacent rooms (2) Sabha Mandapam or the Assembly Hall including Pralima Mandapam (statue section) two rooms, a corridor and an open Prakaram round the Sabha Mandapam (30 Mukha Mandapam (Portion) and (4) the Front Entrance steps with two rooms and a corridor below the steps.

Shripada Mandapam:- This square hall consists of (1) Garbha Graham i.e., (Sanctum Sanctorum) (2) the Inner Prakaram (3) the Outer Prakaram and (4) the Outer Platform all around. Both the Mandapams are so designed that the vision of Swamiji in the statue would be seen direct towards the Shripadam. Visting Hours -8 AM To 4 PM. Entrance Fee - Rs 20 . Ferry Fee Rs 34 for adult .and Rs 17 for students.

Thiruvalluvar Statue
Thiruvalluvar statue is a huge and is 133 feet high. You can get an amazing view of three sea (Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal) which meets at this statue. The statue standing on the pedestal represents “wealth” and “pleasures”. This 133 feet Thiruvalluvar statue includes 95 feet of statue and the pedestal supporting is 38 feet. This combined height 133 feet, denotes the 133 chapters in Thirukural. Total weight of this Thiruvalluvar statue is 7000 tons.

About Thiruvalluvar & Thirukural:
Thiruvalluvar was an ancient tamil poet born from south India. There is some uncertainty of his birth date, it might have been early 20BC. Thiruvalluvar wrote Thirukural (Kural) which expressed his philosophy. Thirukural is a collection of 1330 short and divided into three main sections called Virtue, Wealth and Love. Kural couplets are arranged in group of 133 chapters and each chapter contains 10 couplets.

There is always a long queue to get a ticket for ferry which takes you to the Vivekananda Rock and this Thiruvalluvar Statue. From Thiruvalluvar Statue, we can see Vivekananda Rock and Kanyakumari Amman temple in a closer view.

The rocks for the sculpture came from different places like Sirudhamoor, Pattumalaikuppam Hills and Ambhasamudram Hills.

Vivekananda RockKanyakumari,Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Thiruvalluvar Statue Kanyakumari, Tourist Attractions in  Kanyakumari

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